Lothgha Specialists' tool for working from anywhere in the world

Help your clients solve their problems from anywhere in the world. Lothgha is your first place as a speech therapist to work freely and develop your skills in a flexible and competitive manner
They have testified to our success

Elevate your career to a new level of freedom, fun, and excitement.

Be a professional specialist and enjoy freedom and practical flexibility. Lothgha provides you with the choice of your working days and hours and your session prices flexibly
Professional Environment

Professional, practical control panel

Fast and Very Fast

Support your clients from anywhere in the world, your clients are present in large numbers and awaiting your support

Thousands Users around the world are waiting for your support!

46 K

The Lothgha app helps more than 46,000 users around The Arab World for Solving Speech Problems

12 K

More than 12,000 exercises within the app to help users with various modern methods

08 K

More than 8,000 words to help users on
Correct Pronunciation

Enthusiastic environment and wide space of Competition

The higher your rank, the more clients you reach. Compete with your colleagues to reach the top rank in a motivational and competitive atmosphere
Rating System
Points System
Last Month
Outgoing Transfers
8 Mar,2024
Master card
12 Mar,2024
13 Mar,2024
18 Mar,2024
8 Mar,2024
Master card
12 Mar,2024
13 Mar,2024
18 Mar,2024
Amount to Withdraw

Withdraw your earnings in the best way for you

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